Home > Artworks > Tonalli Melo Salvador

Photo of Tonalli Melo Salvador Mexico

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Born May 27 17 years ago. I studied drawing, painting and music. I spend several hours painting, but the full time to the sources of inspiration. Abstract treatment of reality and make it mine my paintings, creating a new image where I feel more comfortable, a place to rest. The characters in my paintings are a reflection of people around me, and every painting I do is like the children I will never have, I appreciate...

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Born May 27 17 years ago. I studied drawing, painting and music. I spend several hours painting, but the full time to the sources of inspiration. Abstract treatment of reality and make it mine my paintings, creating a new image where I feel more comfortable, a place to rest. The characters in my paintings are a reflection of people around me, and every painting I do is like the children I will never have, I appreciate my creations and feel that the only (but important) value of, is the value sentimental. I am enrolled at Emerald, and to develop my artistic side.

My inspiration is in the street, I respond to my instincts for freedom sometimes wandering aimlessly through the city. I'm amused to watch people on public transport, to imagine their passions, their ideas, their stories. The artists that I like more are Caravaggio, El Greco and Francis Bacon. Three consider them true revolutionaries, and I think his paintings have a strong psychological burden.


Singles: 2007 Radio collective Fame, Tlalpan. 2009 "Retrospective" gallery Basilio Rueda, Mexico at the College.

Group: 2008 Casa de Cultura Jesús Reyes Heroles, 2008 "Gallery Basilio Rueda, 2009 Casa de Cultura Jesús Reyes Heroles.

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